Are You A Passive Patient or an Active Consumer of Healthcare
Think about the last time you made a big purchase, say $1,000 or more. Did you go out and buy the first thing you saw? Take one...

I wanted to share some thoughts that have come into my head lately... We all have “marathons” to run. Some may be literally running 26.2...

Prevent Pain Stay Strong
You know exercise is important to your health. It helps you feel better physically, gives you energy, and helps you deal with the stress...

80% of Americans Experience Back Pain, But 100% of PTs Know How to Prevent It
Got back pain? You’re not alone. Eighty percent of Americans suffer from low back and neck pain at some point in their lives. Let that...

Do You Know Why You Have Back Pain? Here’s How You Can Find Out
Is the source of your low back pain a mystery? You’re not alone: Nine out of 10 patients don't know the primary cause of their back pain....

See a Physical Therapy Today to Prevent Tomorrow’s Injury
What if there was a way to know that you’ll develop chronic neck pain ten years from now? What if there was also a way to know that...

Early Sport Specialization: What Parents Need To Know
It is becoming more popular for young athletes to specialize in a single sport. The advantages seem obvious. Putting in more time early...

Physical Therapy Can Ensure That You’re Ready to ‘Spring’ Into Action
Now that spring has officially arrived, many people are turning their attention to outdoor activities, whether it’s signing up for local...

Your Smart Phone Could Be Rapidly Aging Your Spine
Chances are that you probably haven’t given much thought to how your neck and back are faring in the era of the smart phone, but studies...

Ready, Set, Refresh! How Physical Therapy Can Help You Reach Your 2018 Fitness Goals
When the calendar year comes to a close, we often find ourselves physically and mentally depleted from the holidays and the...